Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Crocheted Beach Bag Lining Instructions

Crocheted Beach Bag lining instructions

The bottom of the bag.  I started with Chain 6 and it is all single crochet on the bottom and 3 rows up the side.  Make the bottom however big you want.  On the last row for the bottom make sure you have the correct stitch count to allow for the decorative stitch you are going to use on the body of the bag.  The stitch I used needed multiples of 8.

First measure the bottom.  
Trace around to get a rough shape then  fold the paper into fourths to make it even.  

        Make sure the pattern fits inside the bag.  I had to trim this one a few times to get it to fit right.

Then I traced it onto my Walmart clearance place mat and cut it out.  Since the mat was big enough for 2, I cut 2 then stuck them together to make it sturdier.

I had to trim this one too to get it to fit.

       Measure the top of the bag to get a pattern for the lining.  Make it taller than the sides of the bag.  For the handles I sewed a tube the correct width then pined it to the handles.  Sew the handle lining on first.

 Here's the lining sewn into the bag.  With a needle and thread I made a running stitch around the bottom of the lining and gathered it.  The bottom that I cut out of the place mat goes on top of this.  Sometimes I cover the bottom in fabric too but this time I decided not to.  Usually I glue down gathered fabric then glue the new bottom on top but since this is intended for the beach I wanted to be able to remove  the bottom so I can shake the sand out...

  detail of the hand stitching sewing the lining to the bag

The finished bag from the top.  I had to cut down the bottom several times again... which means that the top of the bag is smaller than the bottom.  I should have done a better job of measuring.  = /

 The stitch I used around the top and handles of the bag.  It came out of the Crochet! magazine Summer 2012 issue.  Since I hate written instructions I make samples and diagrams of the stitches I like and put them in a book for convenience. = )
This is the stitch I used for the body of the bag.  It also came from the Crochet! magazine 
Summer 2012 issue.

Monday, May 28, 2012

beginning handwriting worksheets

beginning handwriting worksheets

copyright info...

All of the patterns on this site are my own work.  Please feel free to use these patterns for home and school fun. = )

new baby pop-up card

Directions for this type of pop-up card can be found under the post pop-up card directions and patterns

pop-up cards instructions and patterns

Pop Up Card Instructions can be purchased in my Etsy shop here.

Sunday, May 27, 2012

shuttle puzzle game

 Shuttle Puzzle game Print both pages onto cardstock.  Follow the directions for assembly and play. = )

cube full of crooked pyramids

Cut, fold and glue the triangles (you can color them if you want!).  Cut, score and fold the box.  Then put the triangles in the box.  = )

Sunday, May 13, 2012

easy paper ship = )

The digital download for this 2 Mast Paper Ship can be purchased here on Etsy.  Thank You!